A New Voice Crying Out
Though the secular media bombards the domain of the airwaves, God is now making His voice heard at the courthouse. Jeremiah Arthur has felt God call him to leave all behind and network along with BTGM outside the courthouse.

He said, “Since I came to Christ at the age of 12, I’ve always had a burning desire to share Jesus with everyone I came in contact with. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of being involved with Jews for Jesus and Liberty University’s student led evangelistic outreach. I started open-air preaching when I met an evangelist named Keith Higgins in Buford, Georgia. We both started open-air preaching at the University of Georgia and the Gwinnett Justice & Administration Center. On July 13, 2010, I officially started my own ministry called Good News Evangelism Ministries, which is now known as Gospel Street International Ministries. Over the years, the Gwinnett Justice & Administration Center has become the central focus of my ministry. ”